Graphic design, art direction, illustration
Team: Gianna Zanzi, Ashley Brackett, and Sarah F-V
University project
For Visual Communication Design Studio V, we designed a suite of brand materials for real non-profits. In a team of three (Gianna Zanzi, Ashley Brackett, and myself), we created the following identity for Young Musicians & Artists. They chose to move forward with our design direction, and launched their rebrand in the Fall of 2020.
Initial Concepting & Development
Before the class joined teams, we individually developed visual directions for our chosen non-profits. After interviewing a representative of YMA, I knew I wanted to tap into their roots and values as an organization. This led to the creation of an identity with hand-rendered and joyful qualities. The above slides show some of my process.
Final Deliverables & Brand Positioning
Young Musicians & Artists is a unique organization that offers an affordable two week residency centered around a musical instrument or artistic discipline. Generations of families have attended, turning a camp into a community. YMA welcomes all, no matter their appearance, immigration status, or ability. Open to kids from grades 4–12, YMA is pushing more involvement at the younger end of this age group in order to increase annual retention. Parents are the primary target audience, and maternal figures are influenced most effectively by word of mouth. Between parents and their child(ren) who are looking to hone their music skills, or to freely express their amazing artistry, both want a safe, trustworthy, and inclusive place to do so.
With a reputation second to none, YMA consistently provides its campers with experiences to last a lifetime. YMA alumni continue to get involved as counselors, and faculty. After almost 55 years, YMA has shown its community its true rainbow of colors. It has the capability of growing the program to reach and change the lives of more kids along the west coast, as well as adults.
With these things in mind, our branding design seeks to reflect these values and goals. Some keywords we noted in our research and used to guide us through the design process included: collaborative, inclusive, generational, memorable, progressive, inspiring, communal, PNW, nonprofit, exciting, discovery, energetic, challenging, expressive, and legacy. We've updated the branding to better communicate the vibrancy of the YMA community. It is friendly, fun, and unabashedly itself, quirks and all. Like the fond connection alumni already associate with the organization itself, we believe that this refreshed image will help establish this feeling with newcomers to YMA.

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